Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Beer Bones Returns With A Vengence

Hey Guys, the weekly themes for Beer Bones returns!

Tonight marks the third episode since the show Bones returned from hiatus because of the world series. We took a break as well and though you haven't gotten anything from us in over a month that doesn't mean we haven't been busy making theme songs to coincide with the airing of new episodes. I got a little behind because of the celebration of the president elect and two weeks of kickball playoffs. But here it is, the motherload: THREE BEER BONES THEMES!

This brings the total of themes we have created up to 9 songs so far.

When we first started I didn't know what to expect. I knew it would be challenging but I hoped it would be a valuable exercise because I assumed two things: 1) We would undoubtedly get better week after week. We would make better songs, better production value, get better at mixing, singing, playing, ect. And 2) With getting better and having more experience, cranking out a song each week would get easier and hopefully faster.

After 9 weeks of songs, #1 is true. We're all getting much better. The first to couple themes are almost unlistenable compared to the last couple--and not because as Warren politely puts it "they lack drums". They sound better all around. I expect future themes to be better than this batch. #2 however is the complete opposite. Songs are taking longer to make because we have been challenging ourselves further and further every week. And it's not the same process. Everytime week we pick a new genre, we are sort of back to square one experimenting with pedals and effects to get the right sound. We are to the point to where last week we worked on our theme 5 nights out of the week. 5!!! (I'm counting the night we watched the next episode, but still.) That's like a job and working on it that much makes it feel like, well, work. And that's silly. So there you have it. The time, blood and booze that is put into a weekly song.

11.05.08 - "Transgender Preacher" by Little E & The Zion Dub All-Stars

Before we watched this episode which aired 10.14.08 Warren had suggested Reggae as a theme. The show opened with Washington stoners sitting on beach listening to reggae. We kind of had to do it at that point. Definitely the worst episode of the year. It really is about a Transgender Preacher. WTF? We actually had this song ready to go for the next we week until we realized that there wasn't going to be a new Bones for a while. We've sort of transitioned from making fun of crappy music to actually trying to make good songs. That is why I did not sing this song with a Jamaican accent and pitch shift myself down. Instead, its like white reggae... so... uh... if you're into that thing.... maybe you'll like it.

11.12.08 - "You & Me, Girl" by Lasermatic

Bones returns from break with an awesome ridiculous episode about murderous hipsters and posers artists. More importantly we learn Angela experimented with girls, sexually, back in college. And fuck it, she'll do it again for old times' sake. This is our attempt at 80's, white, cocaine disco track. Somewhere between The Apple and Talking Heads.

11.19.08 - "The Sharpshooter" by Constellation

A fun episode where we meet Booth's brother also known as "that guy from Roswell". In what could've at the time been a throwaway line, he tosses out that Booth used to be a star sharpshooter. Who knew? 90's stoner rock song. Recorded and mixed all in one session! Now that's how I like to do it.

Thanks so much to Ashley for her contributions on keyboards and vocals. I often forget to mention that she helps out. And of course to Warren who's the mastermind behind this whole project. Also, anyone know anybody that wants to make a real website for this?


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